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Dad's... and this thing called covid!

August 29, 2021 2 min read

In Australia we all pretty much know Mother's Day is the second weekend in May but when it comes to Father's Day, we're thinking... is it the first weekend in September or the second?!!

Father's Day never seems to get quite the same love and attention as Mother's Day (yes I hear you say... that's because mums deserve it more!) but after the last 12 months I think dads have earned it more than ever. 

Lock downs and home schooling have impacted everyone and dads have had to rise to the occasion. Home chaos filled with interruptions, disrupted zoom meetings, kids crying, shouting and fighting have all become the norm for our dads working from home.

For my own Dad, it's been a tough 12 months, for more reasons than just covid. Turning 80 and diagnosed with stage 4 prostate cancer were the one and three of those things that 'come in threes'. The second was that thing called covid 19.

So for my Dad last year he was hit with the three c's - covid, cancer and the colossal milestone of turning 80!

For a man who looks and acts more like 70, who travelled the world, spent heaps of time with his children and grand children, is physically active, involved in clubs and associations, is a mentor to many, still works and socialises as much me (!), 2020 hit him like a ton of bricks!

But in January 2021, when my first delivery of shorts arrived to Portsea, Victoria, despite all the change and hardships my dad had endured during 2020, he shared in the excitement of my new venture. Always happy for me and supportive and enthusiastic about my dreams and desires, even when that means moving to Byron Bay on a whim! 

My brother Luke in Sydney is celebrating Father's Day for the second time. His daughter Ruby, nearly 3 years old keeps her daddy smiling throughout this strange and unsettling period. All the extra time he gets to spend with her is the silver lining of this thing called covid...

My father-in-law, Pete lives in Melbourne. Like my dad, they have had to endure the toughest lock down of them all. Pete is young at heart, active, social and turns 80 on September 1, but won't be able to celebrate this wonderful milestone with family and friends.

Dads everywhere are mourning their pre covid life but older dads are all too aware this thing called covid has acted like a thief, stealing precious time from them. Time, that is lost forever.

So to all the dads out there we want to say thank you, we're sorry it's been so hard for you and we wish you a Happy Father's Day! 

To all the people and families who have lost their dad and to all the men who are not yet dads but so badly want to be, we are thinking of you too.

As for that thing called covid... please f*** off so my dad, brother and father-in-law can visit! (and so my husband can go back to work!!!)

Holly x